Sunday 7 February 2016


          why  my daughter is like this? 


Today is Ashtami day ,when young girls are worshipped as the living incarnations of Devi.a Tikka of red powder  on the girl's foreheads,the aarti ceremony is done by waving the sacred flame around their faces.all girls must do it.but my daughter badly behave and she is opposing this holy ritual.its happen as I hope,because  some days ago in a situation she was question why  the girls are suppressed like this...?.she is such a naughty girl...!today  the girls must offering to the goddess. but is a sin .. why my child like this, how she is like that?all girls must put tikka on forehead.but she does'nt obey. it is a heritage and ritual of our community.when Naani calls her to put tikka on her for head she rejected and she asks when you people don't love girls then why do you pretend to worship them?.whtat massi is thinking about her? oh...god ..please change this attitude of my daughter

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